Hey there! I’m Gina; 

current dog mama, future foster/adoptive mama, and forever saved by grace!

The idea of creating a shop that celebrates love and purpose, that provides hope and encouragement for children and families, has always been on my heart to develop. A dream that God gave me months, even years, before my first two nephews were brought into this world. Zahi (Bash) Sebastian, and Jackson (Bill) William, reignited that dream in my heart when they were born; when one day, the name of my shop Bash & Bill popped in to my head. I thought, ‘thank you, God. I will be obedient.’ Since then, Bash & Bill has been in the making! While registering the business name, permits, trademarks, copyrights, domain names, and social handles were underway in the background; completing my degree in Child & Family/Social Science, working a day job, praying, and listening were in the foreground. Today, my degrees are completed, business legal stuff is set, and Gods plan has come to fruition. Those two nephews of mine? Well, they’re three years old now (with one more added to the bunch)! Goes to show you that being obedient and willing to stay the course, even when the waves come, is such an important part of the journey of hope.

God’s Will is sufficient and will always prevail. 

Bash & Bill was born from my heart. Although I am not a mama yet, I know Gods plan for my life is something big. After all, having a heart for children and families was not of my own doing, it was His. He’s given me purpose, and as a believer, my job is to be obedient in order to fulfill the dreams He has put on my heart—to ignore the fear, tap into the courage He has equipped me with, and fulfill His promises over my life. Also in my heart, I’ve always felt called to adopt. I’ve always had a heart for children, even as a child myself, I’ve felt a greater purpose in me. One that urged me to be an encourager of children and to remind them that they’re, although small, created for something big! I’ve always felt God-led to be a voice for the little ones who need to hear words of love and feel the compassion and grace that can only come from Him. In knowing my purpose in becoming a mama in the future to little ones, who weren’t born of me, but born still with purpose—I’ve chosen to trust God to continually help me to grow in preparation for such a role, and in using me to be a vessel in the meantime to continue to spread hope to children and families who need it. I will continue to do my part in helping build and reunify families, and celebrate in agreement with those who may also have the same heart as mine, and who also feel driven to embrace it and spread that same hope as well! 

As an artist, designing apparel, decor, and signs that help celebrate YOU, is such an honor! I hope you find my shop to be inspiring, grace-laced, and hope-filled! One that makes you smile, and excited for the future of your growing family! One that is encouraging for your little ones and brings joy to their hearts!

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